3 Quotes & Sayings By Jenna Blum

Jenna Blum is a founder and the President of TheBlumFiles, a site dedicated to bringing you stories and information about upcoming and past events in the world of book publishing. She has been blogging full-time since 2002, covering topics across the blogosphere, including publishing industry news, publishing trends, book reviews, author interviews, book signings, literary salons, literary festivals, book tours, celebrity interviews, book signings & appearances.

Heimat. The word mean home in German, the place where one was born. But the term also conveys a subtler nuance, a certain tenderness. One's Heimat is not merely a matter of geography; it is where one's heart lies. Jenna Blum
We are all ashamed in one way or another. Who among us is not stained by the past? Jenna Blum